thoughts to devour.
Ode to Wine- Pablo Neruda

            Summary: This poem is about a woman that Neruda thought is beautiful. In my opinion, this is really a comparison of the beauty of wine to the beauty of a woman,

            Shifts: There is a shift in the poem when Neruda stops describing wine, and starts comparing the woman to the wine.

            Title: The title is “Ode to Wine’, but I think its really an ode to a woman.

            Theme: The theme is about beauty being abundant in everything.

            Imagery: The whole poem is an extended metaphor, comparing a woman to a bottle of wine. “Wine stirs the spring” This is an example of personification because wine cannot stir. “& your navel is a chaste seal stamped on the vessel of your belly.” This is a metaphor comparing the woman’s belly button to the label on a bottle of wine.

            Conflict: I don’t think there are any conflicts.

            Connotation: I also didn’t find any connotations.

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